Taiwan Travels

Sunday, March 06, 2005

East Coast Trip

Hey all! I finally got around to getting the East Coast Trip of Taiwan, that I did months ago, on here..

Here's a recap of what I did. Notice the clouds coming in in some pictures.. There was a typhoon chasing us up the coast! fun fun fun.

Su's friend Sunny (and her friend) picked us up from work on a Saturday and Sunny drove us over to Hualien where the next day, we would start our trip up the coast. On the way to Hualien, there was an earthquake while we were driving. I thought I felt something, but it's hard to say when your not the driver and are driving up a mountainous pass. -That and I was asleep in the back seat anyway:) We sayed at a nice little hotel/hostel there. It was very cute, but the expense wasn't exactly worth it.

Anyway, we got up in the morning and started our precarious drive up the east coast rode on the side of the cliffs. Sunny was a little stressed-out and I don't exactly blame her. I also found out that morning that a typhoon was expected to come. I guess no one bothered to tell me this prior to leaving! :)

Anyway, we saw most of the coast by the time the clouds and rain rolled in so we were pretty lucky. Speaking of lucky, I ran into two ex-teachers from my school on a tiny overlook off of the road. They still live in Taipei, so I thought it was pretty strange that I ran into them there. Su and Sunny thought I was being rather psycho talking to them like I was 'til they found out that I knew them... You would think of all people who were going to run into anybody they knew, it'd be Sunny or her friend.. Not the foreigner.. ! :)

Then the clouds and rain came in and we booked it back to the mountain buffeted safety of Taipei. Where we found out that school was canceled the next day (and I think the next day after that 'cause another typhoon was coming).

That's about it! The pictures are more interesting than my words anyway..


  • Amanda: The Great Wall of "China" is NOT in "Taiwan."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:26 AM  

  • thanks for the comments, they are a helpful realist guide.

    some amazing shots too, you sure can take some mean pictures. Thank you for sharing!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:35 AM  

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